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Let's Talk Research: IRB Essentials In-Person
The Institutional Review Board (IRB) is hosting an in-person application session on Thursday, January 30, at 1:00pm, as part of the OVCR’s Let’s Talk Research workshop series. The session will take place in Morris Library Room 752/754. Attendees will receive guidance on submitting human subjects research applications and a post-session opportunity for hands-on support from the IRB team. Whether you are new to the process or need a refresher, we encourage you to join us.
Attendees can reserve a seat at https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=55h61U10-UO8kQjeH_NxDRYqoDsUqpdAorLY4NdQc-FUMUczTEQwSlVBMVJDS1IzWjRUUUZONjM4RC4u&route=shorturl